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Writing & Communication Blog Posts

Writing Strong Titles

You’ve finished your paper, and all that’s left is your title. What do you name the essay you’ve just worked tirelessly on, for days, sometimes even weeks to put together? Should it be long or something shorter? Should you prioritize grasping your readers attention...

Transitioning to Long-form Writing

Typically, in your first and second year at UCI, most, if any, of your essay writing will come in the form of assignments where you are asked to cap your thoughts, ideas, and references in about 3-5 pages. Perhaps toward the end of a writing course or as a final assignment, you may be asked to build on those smaller assignments to create a 25–50-page essay, which can undeniably seem pretty daunting at first. Even longer than those can be the “essays” written for a dissertation, publication, or scholarship.

Integrating Direct Quotations into Your Writing

If you’ve ever had a professor ask you to “use quotes” or quote other texts in your writing before, you know that it’s no easy task. It can feel awkward sometimes to determine what parts of the text are worth quoting, as well as how to directly quote in your writing without sounding too formulaic or repetitive. Keep reading for some strategies on effectively using direct quotations in your next writing project!